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Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp Guidep
Spring Smiles
The sound of lawnmowers are filling the air! Everyone is ready for more hours spent outside. Here are some ways we can help:
Gardens & Arboretums

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Local goodness in and around Bucks County

Cool Places to Check Out

Art Seed Studio Events
The Arts at Lafayette Events
Conquering Cuisine Events
Vituperio Artisan Breads & Studio Events
Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center Events
Bishop Estate Vineyard and Winery Events

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Explore Perkasie

PERKASIEALIVE.COM celebrates the historic town of Perkasie, Pennsylvania (PA), with its outstanding park system and revitalized downtown. Perkasie was home to a major league baseball factory which produced millions of baseballs between 1920 and 1950. Other establishments in the borough early in the twentieth century included silk mills, brickyards, lumber mills, tile works, a stone crusher, and manufacturies of cigars, tags and labels, wire novelties, and more. Both the town of Perkasie and Pocasie Creek are derived from the Lenape Unami phrase which translates to "One who goes to the place to crack nuts".

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Things to Do In and Around Bucks County