Halloween Events, Haunted Houses & Hayrides in the Perkasie area
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There's so much fun to be had in the Fall! Get scared silly at a haunted house, take the kids on a hayride, marvel at an artist-made jack-o-lantern, take a ghost tour or cemetery tour, pick some apples and find a recipe to go with it!

You can focus or expand your events search on our Events Calendar page.

Please note: events are entered by the individual event-holders. Please check the event websites or contacts to be sure the event has not been delayed by weather or canceled.

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Halloween Hayrides, Corn Mazes, Pumpkin Carvings, Ghost Tours, Hauntings

Halloween Events, Haunted Attractions, Fall Farm Events
Click here for our Halloween & Fall Fun Guide >

You can focus or expand your events search on our Events Calendar page.